useLastChanged ​
Records the timestamp of the last change
Demo ​
Last changed: 5 minutes ago (1739806328399)
Usage ​
import { useLastChanged } from '@vueuse/core'
import { nextTick } from 'vue'
const a = ref(0)
const lastChanged = useLastChanged(a)
a.value = 1
await nextTick()
console.log(lastChanged.value) // 1704709379457
By default the change is recorded on the next tick (watch()
with flush: 'post'
). If you want to record the change immediately, pass flush: 'sync'
as the second argument.
import { useLastChanged } from '@vueuse/core'
const a = ref(0)
const lastChanged = useLastChanged(a, { flush: 'sync' })
a.value = 1
console.log(lastChanged.value) // 1704709379457
Type Declarations ​
export interface UseLastChangedOptions<
Immediate extends boolean,
InitialValue extends number | null | undefined = undefined,
> extends WatchOptions<Immediate> {
initialValue?: InitialValue
* Records the timestamp of the last change
* @see
export declare function useLastChanged(
source: WatchSource,
options?: UseLastChangedOptions<false>,
): ShallowRef<number | null>
export declare function useLastChanged(
source: WatchSource,
options: UseLastChangedOptions<true> | UseLastChangedOptions<boolean, number>,
): ShallowRef<number>
Source ​
Contributors ​
Changelog ​
on 11/21/2024