The core package aims to be lightweight and dependence free. While the add-ons are wrapping popular packages into the consistent API style.
Head - @vueuse/head
Document head manager for Vue 3. SSR ready. Created and maintained by @egoist
Motion - @vueuse/motion
Vue Composables putting your components in motion.
- 🏎 Smooth animations based on Popmotion
- 🎮 Declarative API
- 🚀 Plug & play with 10+ presets
- 🚚 Supports Nuxt using nuxt-use-motion
- ✨ Written in TypeScript
- 🏋️♀️ Lightweight with <20kb bundle size
Created and maintained by @Tahul
Gesture - @vueuse/gesture
Vue Composables making your app interactive
- 🚀 Plug & play
- 🕹 Mouse & Touch support
- 🎮 Directives support (v-drag, v-pinch, v-move...)
- ✨ Written in TypeScript
- 🤹 Plays well with vueuse/motion or any other animation solution
Created and maintained by @Tahul
Sound - @vueuse/sound
Vue composables for playing sound effects.
- 👂 Lets your website communicate using 2 human senses instead of 1
- 🔥 Built with Vue Composition API
- 🚚 Supports Nuxt 3 using @vueuse/sound/nuxt
- ⚡️ <1kb bytes (gzip) in your bundle! ~10kb loaded async.
- ✨ Built with TypeScript
- 🗣 Uses a powerful, battle-tested audio utility: Howler.js
Created and maintained by @Tahul
SchemaOrg - @vueuse/schema-org for Vue. Supports typed and automated Google Rich Results
- 😊 No Schema knowledge required, get up and running in minutes with minimal configuration
- ✨ 20+ Typed Schemas for best practice (Google, Yoast) Rich Results
- 🧙 Automated Schema:
, URL / date resolving, route meta and more - 🤝 Integrations for VitePress, Nuxt, Vitesse and Vite with auto-imports
- 🍞 Choose your preferred API: Composables or Components
- 🌳 SSR, tree-shaking and Schema inheritance ready
Created and maintained by @harlan-zw
Router - @vueuse/router
Utilities for vue-router
— shorthand for a reactiveroute.hash
— shorthand for a reactiveroute.params
— shorthand for a reactiveroute.query
Integrations - @vueuse/integrations
Integration wrappers for utility libraries
— wrapper forasync-validator
— wrapper foraxios
— reactive wrapper forchange-case
— wrapper foruniversal-cookie
— reactive instance for drauuuseFocusTrap
— reactive wrapper forfocus-trap
— easily implement fuzzy search using a composable with Fuse.jsuseIDBKeyval
— wrapper foridb-keyval
— wrapper forjwt-decode
— reactive wrapper fornprogress
— wrapper forqrcode
— wrapper forsortable
RxJS - @vueuse/rxjs
Enables RxJS reactive functions in Vue
— wrappers around RxJS'sfrom()
to allow them to acceptref
— sugar function to convert aref
into an RxJS ObserveruseExtractedObservable
— use an RxJSObservable
as extracted from one or more composablesuseObservable
— use an RxJSObservable
— bind an RxJSSubject
to aref
and propagate value changes both waysuseSubscription
— use an RxJSSubscription
without worrying about unsubscribing from it or creating memory leakswatchExtractedObservable
— watch the values of an RxJSObservable
as extracted from one or more composables
Firebase - @vueuse/firebase
Enables realtime bindings for Firebase
— reactive Firebase Auth bindinguseFirestore
— reactive Firestore bindinguseRTDB
— reactive Firebase Realtime Database binding
Electron - @vueuse/electron
Electron renderer process modules for VueUse
— provides ipcRenderer and all of its APIsuseIpcRendererInvoke
— reactive ipcRenderer.invoke API resultuseIpcRendererOn
— use ipcRenderer.on with ease and ipcRenderer.removeListener automatically on unmounteduseZoomFactor
— reactive WebFrame zoom factoruseZoomLevel
— reactive WebFrame zoom level