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useToNumber ​

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223 B
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3 weeks ago

Reactively convert a string ref to number.

Usage ​

import { useToNumber } from '@vueuse/core'

const str = ref('123')
const number = useToNumber(str)

number.value // 123

Type Declarations ​

export interface UseToNumberOptions {
   * Method to use to convert the value to a number.
   * Or a custom function for the conversion.
   * @default 'parseFloat'
  method?: "parseFloat" | "parseInt" | ((value: string | number) => number)
   * The base in mathematical numeral systems passed to `parseInt`.
   * Only works with `method: 'parseInt'`
  radix?: number
   * Replace NaN with zero
   * @default false
  nanToZero?: boolean
 * Reactively convert a string ref to number.
export declare function useToNumber(
  value: MaybeRefOrGetter<number | string>,
  options?: UseToNumberOptions,
): ComputedRef<number>

Source ​

Source • Docs

Contributors ​

Anthony Fu
Anthony Fu

Changelog ​

v12.3.0 on 1/2/2025
635bb - feat: method support custom function (#4441)
59f75 - feat(toValue): deprecate toValue from @vueuse/shared in favor of Vue's native
v12.0.0-beta.1 on 11/21/2024
0a9ed - feat!: drop Vue 2 support, optimize bundles and clean up (#4349)
v10.0.0-beta.4 on 4/13/2023
4d757 - feat(types)!: rename MaybeComputedRef to MaybeRefOrGetter
0a72b - feat(toValue): rename resolveUnref to toValue

Released under the MIT License.