Create parallax effect easily. It uses useDeviceOrientation
and fallback to useMouse
if orientation is not supported.
<script setup>
import { useParallax } from '@vueuse/core'
const container = ref(null)
const { tilt, roll, source } = useParallax(container)
<div ref="container" />
Type Declarations
export interface UseParallaxOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
deviceOrientationTiltAdjust?: (i: number) => number
deviceOrientationRollAdjust?: (i: number) => number
mouseTiltAdjust?: (i: number) => number
mouseRollAdjust?: (i: number) => number
export interface UseParallaxReturn {
* Roll value. Scaled to `-0.5 ~ 0.5`
roll: ComputedRef<number>
* Tilt value. Scaled to `-0.5 ~ 0.5`
tilt: ComputedRef<number>
* Sensor source, can be `mouse` or `deviceOrientation`
source: ComputedRef<"deviceOrientation" | "mouse">
* Create parallax effect easily. It uses `useDeviceOrientation` and fallback to `useMouse`
* if orientation is not supported.
* @param target
* @param options
export declare function useParallax(
target: MaybeElementRef,
options?: UseParallaxOptions,
): UseParallaxReturn