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useDeviceOrientation ​

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Reactive DeviceOrientationEvent. Provide web developers with information from the physical orientation of the device running the web page.

Demo ​

isSupported: false
isAbsolute: false
alpha: null
beta: null
gamma: null

Usage ​

import { useDeviceOrientation } from '@vueuse/core'

const {
} = useDeviceOrientation()
isAbsolutebooleanA boolean that indicates whether or not the device is providing orientation data absolutely.
alphanumberA number representing the motion of the device around the z axis, express in degrees with values ranging from 0 to 360.
betanumberA number representing the motion of the device around the x axis, express in degrees with values ranging from -180 to 180.
gammanumberA number representing the motion of the device around the y axis, express in degrees with values ranging from -90 to 90.

You can find more information about the state on the MDN.

Component Usage ​

This function also provides a renderless component version via the @vueuse/components package. Learn more about the usage.

  <UseDeviceOrientation v-slot="{ alpha, beta, gamma }">
    Alpha: {{ alpha }}
    Beta: {{ beta }}
    Gamma: {{ gamma }}

Type Declarations ​

 * Reactive DeviceOrientationEvent.
 * @see
 * @param options
export declare function useDeviceOrientation(options?: ConfigurableWindow): {
  isSupported: ComputedRef<boolean>
  isAbsolute: Ref<boolean, boolean>
  alpha: Ref<number | null, number | null>
  beta: Ref<number | null, number | null>
  gamma: Ref<number | null, number | null>
export type UseDeviceOrientationReturn = ReturnType<typeof useDeviceOrientation>

Source ​

Source • Demo • Docs

Contributors ​

Anthony Fu
Antério Vieira
Fernando Fernández
Anthony Fu
vaakian X
Alex Kozack

Changelog ​

v12.4.0 on 1/10/2025
dd316 - feat: use passive event handlers everywhere is possible (#4477)
v12.0.0-beta.1 on 11/21/2024
0a9ed - feat!: drop Vue 2 support, optimize bundles and clean up (#4349)
v9.11.0 on 1/17/2023
d5321 - fix(components): mark defineComponent as pure (#2623)

Released under the MIT License.