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useBreakpoints ​

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Reactive viewport breakpoints.

Demo ​

Current breakpoints: []
Active breakpoint:
xs(<640px): false
xs(<=640px): false
sm: false
md: false
lg: false
xl: false
2xl: false
greaterThanBreakPoint: false

Usage ​

import { breakpointsTailwind, useBreakpoints } from '@vueuse/core'

const breakpoints = useBreakpoints(breakpointsTailwind)

const smAndLarger = breakpoints.greaterOrEqual('sm') // sm and larger
const largerThanSm = breakpoints.greater('sm') // only larger than sm
const lgAndSmaller = breakpoints.smallerOrEqual('lg') // lg and smaller
const smallerThanLg = breakpoints.smaller('lg') // only smaller than lg
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useBreakpoints } from '@vueuse/core'

const breakpoints = useBreakpoints({
  mobile: 0, // optional
  tablet: 640,
  laptop: 1024,
  desktop: 1280,

// Can be 'mobile' or 'tablet' or 'laptop' or 'desktop'
const activeBreakpoint =

// true or false
const laptop = breakpoints.between('laptop', 'desktop')

  <div :class="activeBreakpoint">

Server Side Rendering and Nuxt ​

If you are using useBreakpoints with SSR enabled, then you need to specify which screen size you would like to render on the server and before hydration to avoid an hydration mismatch

import { breakpointsTailwind, useBreakpoints } from '@vueuse/core'

const breakpoints = useBreakpoints(
  { ssrWidth: 768 } // Will enable SSR mode and render like if the screen was 768px wide

Alternatively you can set this up globally for your app using provideSSRWidth

Presets ​

  • Tailwind: breakpointsTailwind
  • Bootstrap v5: breakpointsBootstrapV5
  • Vuetify v2: breakpointsVuetifyV2 (deprecated: breakpointsVuetify)
  • Vuetify v3: breakpointsVuetifyV3
  • Ant Design: breakpointsAntDesign
  • Quasar v2: breakpointsQuasar
  • Sematic: breakpointsSematic
  • Master CSS: breakpointsMasterCss
  • Prime Flex: breakpointsPrimeFlex
  • ElementUI / ElementPlus: breakpointsElement

Breakpoint presets are deliberately not auto-imported, as they do not start with use to have the scope of VueUse. They have to be explicitly imported:

import { breakpointsTailwind } from '@vueuse/core'
// and so on

Type Declarations ​

Show Type Declarations
export * from "./breakpoints"
export type Breakpoints<K extends string = string> = Record<
  MaybeRefOrGetter<number | string>
export interface UseBreakpointsOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
   * The query strategy to use for the generated shortcut methods like `.lg`
   * 'min-width' - .lg will be true when the viewport is greater than or equal to the lg breakpoint (mobile-first)
   * 'max-width' - .lg will be true when the viewport is smaller than the xl breakpoint (desktop-first)
   * @default "min-width"
  strategy?: "min-width" | "max-width"
  ssrWidth?: number
 * Reactively viewport breakpoints
 * @see
export declare function useBreakpoints<K extends string>(
  breakpoints: Breakpoints<K>,
  options?: UseBreakpointsOptions,
): Record<K, ComputedRef<boolean>> & {
  greaterOrEqual: (k: MaybeRefOrGetter<K>) => ComputedRef<boolean>
  smallerOrEqual: (k: MaybeRefOrGetter<K>) => ComputedRef<boolean>
  greater(k: MaybeRefOrGetter<K>): ComputedRef<boolean>
  smaller(k: MaybeRefOrGetter<K>): ComputedRef<boolean>
  between(a: MaybeRefOrGetter<K>, b: MaybeRefOrGetter<K>): ComputedRef<boolean>
  isGreater(k: MaybeRefOrGetter<K>): boolean
  isGreaterOrEqual(k: MaybeRefOrGetter<K>): boolean
  isSmaller(k: MaybeRefOrGetter<K>): boolean
  isSmallerOrEqual(k: MaybeRefOrGetter<K>): boolean
  isInBetween(a: MaybeRefOrGetter<K>, b: MaybeRefOrGetter<K>): boolean
  current: () => ComputedRef<K[]>
  active(): ComputedRef<"" | K>
export type UseBreakpointsReturn<K extends string = string> = ReturnType<
  typeof useBreakpoints<K>

Source ​

Source • Demo • Docs

Contributors ​

Anthony Fu
Anthony Fu
Doctor Wu
Adrien Foulon
Stefano Bartoletti
Ruslan Makarov
Adrian Rudnik
Inesh Bose
Imam Susanto
Ege Ä°liklier
Alex Kozack
Azri Kahar

Changelog ​

v12.3.0 on 1/2/2025
59f75 - feat(toValue): deprecate toValue from @vueuse/shared in favor of Vue's native
v12.1.0 on 12/22/2024
55965 - feat(useSSRWidth): add optional support for SSR in useMediaQuery and useBreakpoints (#4317)
v12.0.0-beta.1 on 11/21/2024
0a9ed - feat!: drop Vue 2 support, optimize bundles and clean up (#4349)
v11.2.0 on 10/30/2024
f71e5 - feat: add breakpoints for ElementUI/ElementPlus (#4238)
v10.8.0 on 2/20/2024
3ae45 - feat: add active getter, add breakpoints for Vuetify v3 (#3687)
15fc0 - feat: add strategy option to allow desktop-first convention (#3783)
d3317 - feat: enable passing ref or getter to get breakpoints (#3621)
a086e - fix: stricter types
v10.7.0 on 12/5/2023
dc624 - feat: make parameters reactivity (#3592)
v10.5.0 on 10/7/2023
ec9a4 - fix: add missing breakpoint for the bootstrap (#3413)
v10.4.0 on 8/25/2023
8b5ed - feat: add breakpoints for PrimeFlex (#3317)
v10.0.0-beta.3 on 4/12/2023
e75a5 - feat: update deps
v10.0.0-beta.2 on 3/28/2023
bbabd - feat: getting current breakpoints (#2906)
v9.7.0 on 12/16/2022
30c5b - feat: add breakpoints for Master CSS (#2529)

Released under the MIT License.